Installer-based deployment client-side

In the Installer-based deployment of Planning Space, client user machines do not run Planning Space client software. Instead, they connect to an application provisioning service; usually this is located in the same data center as the IPS Server. The Planning Space client is installed and run on an application provisioning server, while the user's machine streams a session that is provided by the application provisioning service.

You will still need to carry out all the server-side installation of IPS Server and Planning Space, before doing the client-side installation, including creating a new tenant. See Installation of IPS Server and applications (server-side).

Download the Planning Space software

Important: The client software must be the same version as that which is running on the server.

The client software can be downloaded from the Client Portal website at (Access to this site requires a login; to register for access, follow the instructions provided at the site.)

In the Products menu, select PlanningSpace > Downloads.

The 20.4 installer is in the section 'Installers (20.4)'.

Download the unified WiX installer 'Client & Server Setup' using its Download button.

Install the client software in a managed workstation or server environment

The executable contains the programs for server-side and client-side installation, and you select which installation that you want.

".NET Framework 4.8 Runtime" (minimum requirement) must be installed on all client machines that run the Planning Space client software. The WiX installer program will check if the .NET requirement is satisfied; if the check fails then the installer will stop.

Double-click the exe file to run it.

Software license: You will need to agree to the terms of the software license agreement. Click the Install button.

Welcome to the Aucerna PlanningSpace Setup Wizard: Click Next.

Installation Type:


Select Client. Click the Next button.

Server Details: Select Configure this later.Click the Next button.

Installation Location: The folder path for installation of programs. Use the default folder as provided, type in a new location, or use Browse. Then click Next.

Ready to Install: Click the Install button to perform the installation.

The installer will report if the installation is successful, or if any errors have occurred. A log file is written to the folder specified by the system variable '%TEMP%' (usually 'C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Local\Temp') with the filename 'Aucerna PlanningSpace_{TIMESTAMP}_PlanningSpace.log'.

Publishing the Planning Space client

In your provisioning platform you will need to publish a separate client 'application' for each tenant of the Planning Space server.

The application settings will look as follows:

  • Location of the executable/remote app: for example 'C:\Program Files\Palantir\PlanningSpace 20.4\PlanningSpace\PlanningSpace.exe'.
  • Command line parameter/argument: specify the service URL for the tenant with the '/tenanturl' argument, for example '/tenanturl='. (In the case of a clustered server, '' will be the address of the cluster load balancer.)
  • Working directory: the containing folder of the PlanningSpace application, for example 'C:\Program Files\Palantir\PlanningSpace 20.4\PlanningSpace'.

Citrix 'Folders to mirror' configuration for cookies

Planning Space uses client cookies to store login/authentication data between user sessions (including the 'Remember me' option and Azure 'Keep me signed in'). By default, Citrix will not allow these to persist.

To make the Planning Space cookies persistent for users, you need to modify the Citrix 'Folders to mirror' policy for profile management by adding the following folder in a registry setting: 'AppData\Local\Temp\Palantir\BrowserCache'. Information about this setting can be found at: